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If you run your own Online Shop, you have a lot to do: Is the Design appealing? Does the Logistics work? Are my Customers satisfied? Whether the Online Shop converts well depends largely on the Payment Options. A study showed that 42% of Customers only buy when the desired payment Method is offered. For many Shop Operators, payment processing is often the second most important Issue – a big Mistake. For Online Shoppers it is always important how they can pay.
The Design of the User Interface and the User-friendliness of a Website will be much more decisive for the Success or Failure of an Online Business in the Future. Responsive Design is the most important Factor here. In the B2C Sector, about 50% of all Purchases are made via the Smartphone. The Success of an Online Shop therefore largely depends on whether a User feels comfortable Shopping and finds his Way around easily. Responsive Design has a strong Influence on this.
In E-Business, too, the following always applies: Defining the Target Group is crucial to Success. Shop Operators should therefore know their Target Group better. Men shop differently than women, Clothes are paid for Online in a completely different Way than, for Example, Car Parts.
For the Sales Success of an E-Commerce Website, the Quality and Price of the Products offered are particularly important. However, a professionally implemented Shop Website makes a decisive contribution to Sales success.
The Placement of a Website on Google is the guarantor for many Visitors. The Online Shop must be displayed in the Google Search Results as high as possible, to achieve this, the SEO must be right. Social Media such as Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and YouTube etc. are ideal Platforms where you can address young Customers directly in order to bring them into your own Shop.
High-quality Product Photos and good Product Descriptions have to replace the missing buying experience of conventional Shopping, because online Products unfortunately cannot be touched. 3D-Images can partially compensate for this by giving a realistic Impression of the Product Photos.
Word of Mouth is also important online, surveys have shown that almost 25 percent of Consumers surveyed said that they became aware of an Online Shop through recommendations. Good service gets around, and online E-Commerce giant Amazon has a host of Customer service Representatives in the Field whose top priority is to satisfy the Customer. Hardly any Company is as accommodating as Amazon, everyone who has had this Experience buys there again and again. This Principle can be applied to any Online Shop.
So there are many Things that have to be considered if you want to be successful in E-Commerce, with Webdesign Mallorca you have a competent Partner for the Consultation, Conception and Realization of your Online Shop to your side.
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